
3 Simple Steps to Teach Bible to your Children (for New Homeschoolers)

As a new homeschooler, the thought of teaching Bible, reading, math and doing all the subjects can feel daunting and overwhelming. Well, I’m here to give you permission that the only subject you need to start with is teaching Bible to your children.

Before you leave this page, here me out. I understand, I was there too. As a new homeschool mom, I wanted to make sure I was doing it right and didn’t want to miss out on teaching the subjects I was “supposed” to be teaching. However, it is so important to lay the foundation of Christ in your homeschool.

In fact, I would highly encourage you to just start with reading the Bible together as your only “school” for the first 6 months. Believe me, I know where you are at, if you are like “no way, I cannot do that!” I was there too! As a new homeschooling mom, I wanted to make sure my kids were getting a well rounded education and for them to be academically successful.

But this is the best advice for homeschooling moms starting out, to lay a solid foundation of family Bible time in their homeschools. Trust me when I say that all the other subjects will come into play. They will get done and your children will thrive in them.

You are setting a solid foundation of family time, Bible and God in your homeschooling first and foremost and a byproduct of this will be instilling a love for learning too. God will redeem your time and you have all the time to teach the academics later.

If you still aren’t convinced and saying, yeah sure that sounds great, but I still couldn’t do that. Then at the least, start the first 2 weeks of your school with just Bible time and establish this as a way of life for your family. Homeschooling is not bringing public school into your home. Homeschooling is a way of life. And for Christians that way of life is all things pointing toward God.

So to get you started, here are 3 simple ways to teach the Bible to your children.

1. Simple Step to Teach Bible to Your Children – Read the Bible Yourself

Teaching Bible to your children starts with reading it yourself. Like all things in parenting, we set an example for things we want our children to do. Do what I say and not as I do does not work effectively in parenting.

As your children see you reading, you will be planting a seed of desire for them to want to do the same. If you are not consistently in the Word, below is an easy and simple Bible study to start with that only takes 15 minutes/day.

prayer, bible, christian

4 R’s Bible Study

Before you get started, pray about what book of the Bible to start with. Starting from the beginning in Genesis is a great option, or reading the book of Proverbs is a great way to learn and gain God’s wisdom. Read just one verse a day and do the following with the verse.

  • Rewrite – Read and rewrite the verse word for word. Read it in a few different translations if possible. I like to read NLT, ESV or NKJV and the Message to get a more complete picture of what the verse is about.
  • Restate – restate the verse in your own words. This helps you break it down word for word and will help you see things you may have glossed over before.
  • Relate – Write down how you relate to the verse or what you think it means. What is God’s character? If other Bible verses come to mind, write them down too.
  • Respond – How can you apply this verse to your life? What can you pray for God to help you with? How does He want you to live this out in your life? Again, if other Bible verses come to mind, write them down.
coffee, cup, table

2. Simple Step to Teach Bible to Your Children – Read the Bible With Them

Pick a time when you can spend about 15 minutes/day reading the Bible to your children. This will vary depending on the age of your kids and if you will be the main one reading it or if dad will or a combo of both. Below is a step by step outline explaining how to do this:

Breakfast morning time – either during or right after breakfast, have all the kids bring their bibles to the table. We love the Beginner’s Bible for baby – preschool age, and the Adventure Bible, or Airship Genesis Bible for elementary ages.

Pray about what book you will begin together. Again Genesis is a great place to start, showing kids that God is the Creator of all things. If you’re children are baby – preschool ages, help them open their Bibles to the page and read straight from the Beginners Bible, showing them the pictures and explaining what is happening.

For elementary, have each kid take turns reading 2 verses and read 2-3 verses yourself. Have each child say something they learned about the passage. Prompt them by asking what they learned about God or themselves from the passage.

Lunch or afternoon times – You could do the same thing as above during or right after lunch. Or if you have a toddler/baby that naps in the afternoon and want to read it to your preschooler or older children during that time, that is another great option.

Dinner time – if dad is willing and available, right after dinner, while everyone is gathered around, is a great time to read the Word together. It doesn’t need to take long. Short, consistent times that are enjoyable together is better than a long bible study that stresses everyone out.

We love this family devotional. It takes you through all the main parts of the Bible and asks a few questions each day.

Reading our favorite family devotional Exploring the Bible Together

Enjoy this time, try not to make it stressful and don’t have high expectations for little ones. If they can’t sit the whole time that’s ok, mine rarely do. I usually give little ones a quiet activity to do at the table during our family Bible time.

On a side note – try not to worry if dad is not on board yet. Talk to him and let him know it’s important to you to start reading the Bible together as family. Ask him if he is willing to lead this. If yes, great! If not, don’t stress or try to force it, just do what you can to teach Bible to your kids. You can’t control anyone else and nagging is not effective. Focus on what you can do and God will bless your efforts.

Also, your example to your husband speaks volumes. Pray for him and be encouraging. Thank him when he does take steps to teach kids the bible whether at dinner table or in everyday moments.

3. Simple Step to Teach Bible to your Children – Have Them Read the Bible on Their Own

If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.


When kids are old enough to read, teach them to start reading the Bible on their own. Just as you create a routine for your time in the Word, teach them to do the same.

Incorporate Bible time with a habit they are already doing. For example, you could have them read the Bible for 5 minutes every morning after they brush their teeth.

For us, our children read the Bible as part of their morning chores. Every morning they are expected to get dressed, brush teeth and read their Bible/pray. If they do these requirements plus a couple of extra chores like making their bed and cleaning up their designated pile, they receive privileged screen time for 15 minutes.

For young readers, the Beginner’s Bible is a great Bible to start with. It’s what my 4- and 6 -year olds use for their personal Bible time. After they read, they are required to tell me what they read and tell me something they learned about God and themselves.

For those who can’t read, have them grab their Beginner’s Bible, come to you and let them pick out the story they want to read. Read it to them and ask them something they learned about God or themself.

This is in addition to the family Bible reading time. Start as young as possible. You will be planting seeds of faith and the Word in their hearts and teaching them to have their own personal time with God and His Word.

For babies – even for babies you can instill a love of God’s Word. Read to your babies when you have your quiet time if they are with you. Mine were often up early, so I just read the Word out loud as I had them next to me in a rocker or swing. Have them with you, if possible while doing your family Bible time. Start as early as possible and do it often.

Bonus tip for teaching Bible to your Children- Look for Everyday Teaching Opportunities

Look for opportunities throughout the day to talk to your kids about what you are learning. This could be examples of how you are trying to live out what the Word or how you may be struggling with it. Be honest and humble with your kids at age appropriate levels. Lean in and listen to them when they share what they are learning.

Teaching Bible to your kids is a lifelong process. Start as young as possible, and even if you’re kids are older, its never too late to start.

Be an example and read the Word consistently. Read it together as a family and set an expectation for them to have their own personal time with the Lord.

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

Gal 6: 9

Looking for more Christian homeschool encouragement? Be sure to sign up for the God-Centered Homeschool Summit. This summit focuses on eliminating the burden of competing “priorities” and reorienting your homeschooling around God. Be sure to hurry, this event is FREE if you sign up before April 5.

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