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My complete and honest review of the Summer Spree Home & Family Bundle

I’ve recently been promoting the Summer Spree Home & Family Bundle. There is a FREE package and a paid package. If you’re wondering if these packages are worth your time and money ready my honest review below so you can decide for yourself.

If you haven’t purchased it yet or signed up for the freebies, there are three things to know:

  1. I am a contributor and an affiliate for the summer spree. That means I get a certain amount for each Premium Package sold. I also contributed two of my products – the Parenting with Purpose Guide for FREE (normally $19) and the Raising Respectful Kids Mini Course (normally $59) as part of the Premium Package. The FREE Parenting with Purpose Guide is an invaluable tool for any parent who desires to raise respectful disciples for the Lord. The Raising Respectful Kids Mini Course is a mini version of my larger course Cultivating Character Academy and is a faith-based program designed to help parents foster positive, respectful relationships with their children. So be sure to check these out here and share with friends who may be interested in this as well.
  2. It is only available until this Friday, July 28 to grab your packages. Whether you decide you only want the free package or if you want the paid package as well, you need to click on the Pick My Summer Spree Package orange button here by July 28. Note, you don’t have to download every resource right away – since there is SO much in these packages you have through August 11th to download all your resources.
  3. I downloaded and went through more than half of all the resources for both the free (super package) and paid (premium package) so I could give you my honest review.

While I didn’t read every word or listen to every minute of video — that would be SUPER intense — I at least skimmed through a majority of the resources and wanted to share my honest, biased thoughts – yes we all have a bias and this is mine.

The Negatives:

  1. There are not as many video courses in the Premium (paid) package as I thought there would be – I was hoping for mostly or all courses with video in the premium package (I love courses) and while there were a variety of products for moms, there was not as many courses as I thought. Some of the digital products in the premium package included a money simplified toolkit, guide to help you plan out your child’s birthday party, raise respectful kids mini-course and a home systems toolkit.
  2. There wasn’t as many products in the Premium (paid) package it as I was expecting – while the free super package has a TON of free resources (40+), the premium package has 15 resources for you to download. I think I’m used to bundles with 40-60 resources in it. However, I will say that everything in the premium package values at $59 and above (and some are at least $97+) so my advice is – check out the premium package and if you find at least 2 products that you are super excited about and you know you would use, then it’s worth it!
  3. Some of the content quality was poor – while some of the content was great, high quality, I did find that others fell flat and were hard to watch or complete because of that.

The Positives

  1. The FREE super package has a TON of amazing, great quality, digital products! These are not your typical freebies that you can find on people’s websites. These are all paid-for- digital products. You won’t find them for free otherwise, so I definitely recommend going through and grabbing as many freebies as you are interested in (when I was downloading them I felt like it was Christmas!)
  2. I love the wide variety of topics for moms included – the FREE super package and paid premium package both had a huge variety of topics for moms to personally grow and glean wisdom from. Some of these topics include:

Family Fun:From fun food ideas for your children to zoo field trip printables or introducing photography to your kids, make unique and fun memories with your family.

Simplifying Home Life: You can get meal plans, money tips, working mom tools and more to help get done all the things you need to do around home.

Homeschool & Learning: Support your child in developing emotional intelligence, explore music through lessons, cultivate a love for reading, and embark on a year of engaging unit studies.

Home & Hustling: If you’re building your own business from home, these products take your work to the next level of growth and efficiency.

Self-Career, Healthy Living, and Personal Development: Because taking care of yourself too allows you to be an even better parent, plus you’re worth it. Use the courses, guides, journals, and more to actually make effective self-care happen.

Strengthening Relationships & Parenting: At the end of the day, it’s our relationships that matter most. These gifts not only strengthen the bonds with your partner and children but also enhance your parenting abilities, fostering the growth of respectful and well-rounded individuals.

3. The value of the products are fairly accurate – There are times, I’ve found bundles to have inflated price tags. I did not find this to be the case with the FREE super package or paid premium package. The products in the summer spree show the value of what bloggers and creators actually sell the products for in a competitive market.

4. There were some high quality products in the paid premium package – There are some top quality products in the paid premium package. That means if you go through and find 2 or 3 products that you are really interested in, then the paid premium package is worth it! These products are meant to take you deeper in your journey and they are each valued at at least $59+ with some valued at $97 and above. Now, I believe that even great deals are not deals unless you are going to actually USE them. So whether you purchase the premium plan or just grab a bunch of freebies, have a plan! Review each week what you are going to work on and include it in your daily planner, to do lists or a time block. Like I said earlier, if you are really interested in at least 2 of the resources in the paid package, it is worth it! You most likely would pay anywhere from $59-$97 for just one of those products, and if you are interested in a few, with 15 in-depth products available in the premium package, chances are you will end up liking more than just 2.

Now here are my top 3 favorites from the Premium paid package:

1. Mid-Year Power Up Workshop ($97 value) – I am excited about this workshop that takes you step-by-step to get back on track with your year! With a focus on reflection, resetting, and refocusing, you’ll gain the tools and insights needed to conquer personal, family, and business aspirations, ensuring success not just for 2023, but for the years beyond. Get ready to embark on a journey towards a fulfilling and purposeful future!

2. Raising Respectful Kids Mini-Course ($59 value) – Yes, I am biased and have my own product listed here!😂 That’s because these are the tried- and- true methods I have used to point our children towards godly character and also foster close relationships. Raising Respectful Kids is a faith-based program designed to help parents foster positive, respectful relationships with their children. This mini-course emphasizes the role of Christian values and principles in nurturing obedience and respect, and offers practical tools and techniques for teaching children to honor their parents and others. Whether you’re a seasoned Christian parent or just starting out, Raising Respectful Kids will provide you with valuable insights and resources for building a strong, positive relationship with your child that honors God.

3. Time Saving Home Systems Toolkit ($59 value) – This toolkit is absolutely fantastic! You start with a quiz to see what area you should focus on first from the following categories – meal planning, cleaning and time management. After the quiz, I realized I should start with the cleaning system 🤣. Each system has a plethora of tools to help you in that area. For example, the cleaning system had a simplified cleaning guide to get you started, quick start to decluttering, 30 day decluttering challenge, 25 cleaning hacks and cleaning lists. There are so many resources in this toolkit to help you streamline home systems in your life so you have more time for YOU and YOUR FAMILY.

​In conclusion, both the super package and premium package have great value! If you haven’t gotten your freebies, run (not walk) to your computer and sign up for them (make sure to do it before July 28)! Like I said before, these are usually paid products and for a limited time only, the super package offers you such amazing products and value for FREE!

For the premium package, check it out here, and see if you are excited about 2 or 3 of the courses and/or digital products. If so, then it is totally worth the price! While you might not use everything, you would normally pay anywhere from $59-$97+ for just one of these courses stand alone, but for a limited time, you get 15 in-depth value products.

If you haven’t gotten your freebies and/or purchased the premium bundle, you can click here only through July 28! Go here to read more!

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